Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cindy's Mini-Challenge...Favorite Things

Eight things I love....

1. Whiskers on kittens - Yeah, I know Julie Andrews loves them too, but I really do. Even more, I love their tiny sticky-up tails. Kittens are the most perfect babies on earth.

2. Staying up all night reading. And having people say..."That's cool" instead of..."Are you on crack?"

3. who knows what this is doesn't need any explanation.

4. Shoes. I have over 400 pair. I know - it's a sickness. "Hello. My name is Lauri and I'm a shoe addict." Maybe I should just get a tattered piece of cardboard and stand out on the corner near the mall..."Will work for DSW gift cards."

5. Donuts. Homer Simpson and I are down with this. (We do the fist bump!)

6. Original Mr. Pibb - the best soda EVER. Worth every non-diet calorie I slurp.

7. Wine. Red or white is good. However, friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel. Remember this. The girl drinking the white zinfandel in the bar is a walking roofie magnet.

8. My Mini Cooper - the cutest car I've ever seen. I've posted a picture on my blog for your viewing pleasure. This is Chessi - the chessboard Cooper. I'm such a dweeb I have a personalized license plate with her name on it. People actually walk up to me in parking lots and tell me my car is cool. I love that!

1 comment:

  1. You're so close now you can taste it! There's only one thing left to do: read! Read! Read! [and maybe dance a bit ;) )]
